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  • Smoke Family Law

What is a S60i Certificate?

📜 Under the Family Law Act you are required to obtain a Section 60i certificate before initiating proceedings in relation to children’s matters. This includes if you are looking to obtain a parenting order from the Court.

🤝 A s60i certificate is obtained through a form of mediation which is conducted by a family dispute resolution practitioner. Mediation is a process in which both parties sit together with a meditator to negotiate a solution, without the need of going to Court.

🏛 A s60i certificate is a certificate of attendance that demonstrates to the Court that you attended mediation before proceeding to Court.

👦🏻 There are certain circumstances in which a party may be exempt from obtaining a s60i certificate, such as if there is a reasonable apprehension of, or risk of abuse, to the children.

If you require assistance in relation to a s60i certificate, or are wanting advice concerning children’s matters, contact Smoke Family Law on 0499 044 555.

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